My 20-Something Marriage is my Success

Since, much to my dismay, Public Speaking is a required course for the College of Business, I finally sucked it up and enrolled this semester. I’ve never been a hot mess in front of people, but I wouldn’t say that being the center of attention is my favorite place to be; besides the fact that my grade relies on my being the center of attention!
The Public Speaking Assignment
We have 13 speeches to present over the course of the semester, and on Tuesday it was time for my first one; The Success Speech. “Introduce yourself to the class by presenting a success that has largely shaped who you are today. Incorporate a symbol of this success into your speech.” What. “So. Vague.” I thought. I haven’t accomplished anything crazy spectacular with my life, so what in the world was I going to speak about?! And then it hit me. My accomplishment is what sets me apart, what makes me me, and what has defined my life this far: My salvation & my marriage. That’s it. I am willing to bet I’m the only young married college student in that room!
My 20-something marriage is my success.
Prepared for the worst, hoping for the best, and armed with Valor Essential Oil, I stood up in front of the class and presented this:
My speech
This may not be a success as defined by the typical college student, but this is my success. I am a 21-year-old full-time college student, and I am happily married. Did that get your attention? Let me clear the air: No, it wasn’t a shotgun wedding and there are not any crazy circumstances involved. I married my high school sweetheart simply because I wanted to. Having a happy marriage is something I have always wanted, and this is the success that has hugely shaped my life thus far.
To me, success is achieving a goal or specific purpose and having a peace of mind that through that goal you are living your best life possible and creating the life you want for yourself. That’s exactly what being married in college and overcoming the odds has meant to me! So, it may not be a traditional success, I haven’t run a marathon or graduated from med school, but I wouldn’t be where I am in life or lead the life I do if it weren’t for my marriage and husband.
Obviously, I wear a symbol of this success every single day in my life: my engagement ring and wedding band. Each morning when I put these rings on, they stand as reminders of my commitment to my husband and my marriage. They also stand as reminders of the life that my husband and I are creating for ourselves and the people that we are becoming.
Through marriage, I have changed a lot and been challenged to grow as a person. I have had to overcome adversity and the unique hurdles that come with marriage at a young age. It’s not always easy, but I am stronger and becoming more like the person I want to be through it. I truly wouldn’t be who I am today if I were not married.
From taking a year of off school to get married to running an adult household on two college incomes, I have learned a lot about myself, good and bad. I have learned how to care for another person and how selfish we can be sometimes because marriage truly isn’t about yourself. And I have learned that life is better lived with those you care about by your side. So though I am willing to bet that probably none of you are married, I think you can still see how this is a success.
Furthermore, through being married in college, I’ve also grown to be confident in the decisions I make for my life. I frequently receive comments like “I bet you don’t have any fun anymore since you’re married” or “Why did you want to lock yourself down?” I’ve learned that life isn’t about pleasing other people. We should be celebrating each other’s successes. I don’t feel locked down! I feel privileged to have my God-given best friend by my side already.
I still have big dreams to chase and goals I’ve yet to accomplish; I want to graduate and pursue a career in Marketing, I want to travel the world, buy a house, and become a mother one day, but I didn’t fear the commitment of marriage and it definitely isn’t slowing me down. In fact, I believe, this is one of the biggest successes I’ll ever have in life. To have come to this place already and have a built-in support system as I continue to chase future aspirations is more than I could have ever asked for.
This probably looks different than many of your successes, and that’s okay. This is what I chose. But I also know without a doubt that this is the largest success to shape my life due to the odds and challenges I’ve faced, how I’ve grown to be a better person, and how I’m creating the life I desire for myself. While I still have a lot to accomplish and a lot of growth to achieve, I am proud to have realized this accomplishment at this age, and I am enjoying where I am in life. That is success.
I may not be the best speech writer or most eloquent with my words, but I truly wouldn’t be where I am if it were not for my marriage. The landscape of my life would look completely different.
I wouldn’t trade this life for the world. I love you, hubs!
“Marriage is sharing your life with your best friend, enjoying the journey along the way, and arriving at every destination together.” – Fawn Weaver
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. – Mark 10:9