Goodbye Toxins, Hello Ditch & Switch

Hey again! We’re going to talk about one of my favorite things today. The ditch & switch to natural products! No, it’s not a dance move and no, we’re not talking about boyfriends, either. I’m talking about ditching the toxic products we use in our home and on our body, with toxin-free, plant-based, actually good-for-you, products!
With Young Living carrying basically EVERY cosmetic and household product you use, the ditch & switch is SO easy! Once I learned that the most dangerous things that affect our health are things we willingly expose ourselves to on the daily, I couldn’t use almost anything in my house without thinking twice.
Here’s just a couple fun facts:
1. Store bought soaps contain sodium laureth sulfate, a toxic chemical used to remove car grease off of garage floors. This can be damaging to the skin, as well as disruptive to immune health and hormonal health.
2. Both adult and kid shampoos contain phthalates, a toxic chemical that has been banned in children’s toys but is still found in body cleansing products.
3. The main ingredient in candles and home sprays is formaldehyde, which is the number one cancer-causing chemical, and is what we get embalmed with at the morgue.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want anything to do with willingly using these products in and around my body!
What can you do instead? OH! I’m so glad you asked!
Laundry detergent? Dish soap? Dishwasher power? Household Cleaner? Hand soap? Facial wash? Moisturizer? Makeup? Energy drinks? Scented plug-ins? Yep. They can ALL be replaced with Young Living products. If it’s not something they sell, we can use their Essential Oils to create a DIY product and still replace all of those yucky chemicals.

Dish Soap:
Have you ever wondered why dish soap is bright blue or green? Yeah, I hadn’t really either. But it can’t possibly be good or natural. Enter: Young Living Thieves Dish Soap. Smells great, get’s the job done, and you don’t have to worry about even your most sensitive family member eating your food off of dishes that have been cleaned with it.
Young Living offers a multitude of moisturizers for different skin types, but one of my favorites is from their ART line. The Art Intensive Moisturizer is made completely from naturally derived products. It contains Hinoki Essential Oil, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood Essential Oil, Cedarwood Essential Oil, Ylang Ylang Essential Oil, and Frankincense Essential Oils. Talk about YUM!
Energy Drink:
We all get desperate sometimes, right? But are the artificial colors, sweeteners, flavorings and total crash really worth it? It depends on who you ask, but I would say heck no! Thankfully, we can rely on Young Living for some of our nutritional needs, too. With “NingXia Nitro, you’ll get a quick pick-me-up without the sugar or caffeine overload. Infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, and green tea extract, NingXia Nitro supports alertness, as well as cognitive and physical fitness.” Boom!

Everyone loves to get dolled up or has their daily routine, but did you know that the average woman exposes herself to over 80 chemicals during her morning routine! Say what?! Enter: Young Living Savvy Minerals. All natural, carefully crafted without synthetics or fillers, and it feels amazing on your skin! Never containing Talc, Bismuth, Parabens, Phthalates, Nanoparticles, Petrochemicals, or Synthetic fragrances, you can feel good about what you are putting on your skin (and look good too!).
These barely even scratch the surface of the ditch & switch-able products that Young Living has to offer! Seriously. But, I hope you got the idea that it IS possible with this amazing company to take control of the products in your life.
A simple switch can make a big change!
If you’re interested in what else they have to offer, you can take a look at the Young Living website. Ready to take the plunge now that it’s not so scary, take a look at this! Have questions? Want to do the ditch and switch? That’s what we’re here for. Please, contact one of us!