Home Decor 101 – Simply C’s Way

Home Decor 101 – Simply C’s Way

Dear Young Homemaker,

It’s time to begin to decorate your new home, congratulations! If you’re like me, you’re likely thinking “What do the REAL people do?” You know, people like you and me? In my life, I’ve moved a few times and decorated a few houses. Sit back, relax, and read on. Maybe I can save you a bit of frustration!

We all see tons of amazing interiors in magazines, on television, and online. They’re absolutely beautiful, but what about the real people? Do real people, with real incomes live like that, too? Ehhhh… not likely. I sure can’t afford it! So how do we create refined spaces of our own? We get basic and creative… all at the same time!

Here’s the skinny: Allow your large investments to be basic, and get trendy and creative with the pops and accents. It’ll save you time and money!

I’ll expand. In a previous post, we chatted about color choices. Creating spaces that are not too boring, but not too chaotic. A balance of harmony. This harmony will come from two sources: The foundation, or base layer of your decor, and the accents and accessories, a top layer. Now keep in mind that I’m not a trained interior designer! I’m just a simple gal who’s lived a long time! And you should listen to the advice of your elders! 😉

A neutral foundation or base.

In my home, my life lessons translate to a more neutral foundation. I’ve learned to keep the “big stuff” like walls, floors, cabinets, tile, and large furniture investments (ie, the couch) in the neutral color territory and timeless in style. These are my “foundation” or “basics”. Your idea of this “big stuff” may be different than mine and that’s okay. I’m thinking in terms of larger financial investments or things that actually use up more visual space. Things that you typically can’t change in an hour or two. I can swap out a lamp to go from farmhouse to mid-mod, but there’s no way I’m buying a new couch for it! And FYI, this is a great example of a neutral and timeless couch…and the pup is adorable too!

This is definitely the easiest (and most cost effective) way to go about choosing colors for your home – keeping the foundation items basic. Whether you choose a white, beige, gray, or greige as your starting point, give yourself a foundation that you love and will last. You can get on board with trends in other ways.

Also, choosing one basic color family can keep your home harmonious from room to room. It doesn’t have to be EXACTLY the same in all the rooms – you can use a lighter shade or a darker shade depending on the space. Just stay in the same family to help create a flow from room to room. Remember I’m speaking to us normal folks out there. Those of us who are building a timeless nest on a reallife budget!

Now, remember what I said in our color choices discussion? When in doubt, look out! Outside, I mean! I told ya, I’m simple and I look to the clouds for those neutral, foundation colors (the light and bright part of the clouds, not the deep, brooding, we’re in for a hurricane cloud). Another favorite inspiration? The beach, of course!

Bring color and pizazz with your accessories!

Furthermore, it’s okay to stay current, but don’t be defined by trends. Trends will eventually let you down as they pass on. Styles come and go quickly and by the time you are a full-fledged farmhouse (and yes, I love me some farmhouse too), the world will be spinning on toward the next new thing!

My younger self tried to keep up with trends as they came and went. I felt like I was always striving for the “cool” house and never quite got there! And when those trends or current colors did eventually fade I wasn’t prepared for the next ones. It’s fun to be trendy, but constantly trying to keep up is a source of stress and can break the bank! Just another reason to keep the foundation layer basic. If your home decor foundation stays timeless, your accessories can keep you current and within your budget.

To find inspiration for your pizazz, go take a walk around a nursery (plant, not baby) or a farmer’s market for your pops of color fun. (This is also a good way to open a discussion about colors in the home with your new spouse.) You know what colors speak to you so go check them out on a color wheel to see the analogous and complementary colors (back to our precious discussion). And take a second to see how the Master himself placed them in nature. Like blues and purples? God made flowers for our inspiration. Like reds and yellows? Thank God for sunsets and the Painted Desert.

I’ve lived and I’ve learned to keep my foundation basic and to pop in the smaller things. There are a lot of young ladies out there right now trying really hard to be total farmhouse and I’m concerned for my young friends. While I love Joanna Gaines and Waco, even Jojo herself is changing up farmhouse. When the trend fades I don’t want you to be upset that your house isn’t “cool” anymore or by all the money you spent. Add to that the fact that you have to start over in your decorating! Take it from me. Been there, done that, friends.

My advice for what it’s worth: Be wise with your investments, neutral in the big things, but have fun with the pops! And above all else – you be you!

Happy decorating!