The Upside of Changing Circumstances

The Upside of Changing Circumstances

Dear Frustrated Friend,

Sometimes things just happen. It’s not your fault and often it’s just not anyone’s fault. Life is full of highs and lows, happy and sad, constant and change. I’ve been there and I’ve made it through so let me share what helps me hit the reset button. And FYI, this is totally easier said than done, but keep trying.

Be Unwavering

Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have led a blameless life; I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.    Psalm 26:1

I get it. Situations happen and things occur that really aren’t your fault. It’s called life. This is the point where you have to make a choice – and it’s not easy! You can lash out, become destructive, or sink in despair. None of those are good options so after you’ve given yourself a little pity party, turn a new page.

You can’t do it on your own, none of us can! Now is the time to trust the Lord to take care of it. Let go of whatever it is and trust God WITHOUT WAVERING, knowing that He is at work in your life. God is always at work and always on your side regardless of the seasons of change you are walking through. And because of that…

Find praise

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.      Psalm 34:1

Oh, my friend, this is SO not easy! I will praise Him because I HAVE to. There’s just no other way to be. Now isn’t my time to buck and fight, now is my time to praise – and there is always something to praise Him for, even if you have to look really hard! God is at work, God will prevail, we are saved, and we can trust and praise Him for that alone! And since we have reason to praise…

Sing your song

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.    Psalm 40:3

“Each new trial brings a new song of praise.” -Millie Stamm

Through every situation that occurs, good or bad, God is growing you and giving you a new song of praise. Look around and search for the ways He is working. You’ll find it sooner or later. And praise Him. God will use this circumstance in your life, and when you come out the other side (and you will) you will have a new song of God’s provision. And God doesn’t give us these songs so we can keep them to ourselves but so we can lift each other up. Find your song, and share it.

You’ve got this – I believe in you,