Finding Renewed Faith at 50

Dear My Younger Self,
Guess what? This week you turned 50 years old. Wow! You never actually thought this would become a reality. I mean, you knew you’d age but walking around saying “I’m 50” just seemed so far away.

At 50, did you think you would be starting over and stepping out on a new plan? Probably not! Really. Selling the house you raised the kids in, moving to a new city, seeking a new career path after 20 years of work, living with your mother in law…. 50 and fabulous looks a lot like 50 and freaking out so let’s take a minute to regroup.
Here are my words of advice:
When life seems “comfortable” is when God will ask you to take a leap of faith – be ready! Things don’t work according to your plan and time frame. Experience from managing your family, home, and career will seem like no experience at all. So, in the confusion, remember this: In his heart a man plans his
You’ll need stamina to not give up while you are waiting for God to reveal the next step. It’s hard. But do not forget this one thing dear friends: With the
Endurance, Vision, and Joy come from the Lord.
Hold on to your joy so you don’t fall into despair. It’s easy to stay curled up in a ball of moodiness. You won’t feel joyful but joy is not an emotion but more of a reassurance. God knows what He’s doing even when you think life is nuts. The joy comes from holding to that fact and believing it. Choose it. Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31). “Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded”, declares the Lord (Jeremiah 31:16). Don’t let Satan mess with your emotions. Grab hold of Jesus for your hope, joy, and strength.
Find the vision to look beyond the right now. Your vision of the future doesn’t look like God’s, but that’s okay because His vision is better. Look for Him and where He is working. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18).
Fifty is for faith, and God will bring the fabulous.
You know this is your truth. 50 is for faith,
Hey girl, life won’t always look the way you think it should. It’s going to be fine though, I promise. Our God won’t let us down.
All my love,