5 Things To Do In Ormond Beach, Florida

This year our family vacation was a trip to Ormond Beach. Seventeen people total, ranging in age from three to seventy-three! With lots of laughter, love, and even a couple of arguments we accomplished the goal of spending time together. In addition to time on the beach, we ventured out to a few local attractions that you might enjoy also!

I love the beach. I really do. It relaxes me to just sit quietly, read a book, and listen to the waves. I’m not big on having music or entertainment – for me, it’s just rest and my family. The absolute BEST part was having all my kids there together, which happens so rarely these days since they are adults with their own jobs, lives, and families. But there’s only so long and I can sit there – I’m a ginger, remember? After a couple of days of basking, I have the urge to get up and go DO something! So that’s what some of us did!
Here are 5 things to do in Ormond Beach, FL that we totally recommend! Whether you’re sunburned and need a break from the beach, or find yourself at the beach on a rainy day, you won’t regret filling your days with these activities.
Ponce In let Lighthouse

I’d never been to Ponce Inlet but I had heard about its stunning beauty and had to see it for myself. Our first stop was the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse and yes, we climbed all those stairs to reach the TOP of the Tallest Lighthouse in Florida! The view was spectacular! For all the history buffs the lighthouse only part of a local museum recounting the area’s and lighthouse’s history. The museum buildings are well appointed, interesting, and air-conditioned!
Down the Hatch

We grabbed lunch at Down the Hatch, a local seafood joint which has been around for over 40 years. The tableside entertainment was watching a family of manatees in the water and watching boaters come in for lunch from the water. There was indoor seating and beautiful outdoor seating on the patio and dock. It doesn’t get much better than that, and the food was delicious as well! Not to mention their educated ability to handle our table full of food allergies!
Lighthouse Point Park
After lunch, we headed over to Lighthouse Point Park, a park and preserve on the Southern tip of Ponce Inlet. A jetty separates the beach from the more bay like side, and all of it is filled with beauty. Walking on the beach and the jetty we observed sea turtles, dolphins, stingrays, needlefish, and more manatees. Gorgeous! Sights like these are ones that we, as native Floridians, shouldn’t take for granted. In fact, it was so peaceful and pretty that I went back again on another day! Another great way to enjoy Florida.
Billy’s Tap Room and Grill

Date night! The hubs and I always try to have a date night during vacation. This time it was dinner at Billy’s Taproom in Ormond Beach. Billy’s has been around since 1922; I love local joints with a bit of history, can’t you tell? Billy’s is a steak and seafood kind of joint and the food is cooked fresh on the premises (great for folks with food allergies like me)!
Rockefeller Gardens and Fortunato Park
After dinner at
If you ever find yourself in the Ormond Beach area, these are a few activities that I wouldn’t miss!
Time with family is always precious, and even more so as the kids get older and move away. I am grateful for the time I was given to spend with the people I love in a place that I enjoy! And guess what? We’ll be back next summer!
Happy travels!