Essential Oils and Cycling?

Dear Enthusiastic Cyclist,

My husband, Chip, is a cyclist. It’s his stress outlet, his wellness routine, and his happy space all rolled into one. He’s also a Young Living essential oils user so I did a little interview with him to explore how he incorporates oils into his cycling and daily life. I mean really,
How did you begin using essential oils in your exercise routine?
(Chip) Well, after a while I got tired of hearing you tell me, “I’ve got an oil for that!” Seriously though, I learned about toxins and started being aware of what I was using or doing from you. We realized that all the “stuff” and supplements that I was buying from the bike shop could be substituted with oils or Young Living products and it would be better for me.
What oils or products do you use pre-workout?
(Chip) Before I begin my ride I use the Young Living mineral sunscreen and Deep Relief roller on my thighs. The Deep Relief helps warm up my muscles before I start pedaling. And it helps me get over that initial stiffness at the beginning of a ride.

And during the workout, what are your go-to oils?
(Chip) First, the water bottles I carry on my bike have Aminowise in them along with a couple of drops of Peppermint. The Aminowise supplement is added to the water to help with hydration, fatigue, and muscle recovery by replenishing minerals. The peppermint opens my airway so I can breathe more deeply. I also carry a Cool Azul roller in my jersey pocket to head off any achy muscles or cramps.
And oils after the ride?
(Chip) Definitely Cool Azul after the ride. I don’t want any cramping! I also have a homemade roller with Lemongrass, Marjoram, Basil, Frankincense, Oregano, Lavender, and Copaiba. This roller supports muscles, ligaments, soft tissue, and helps squash inflammation.

That’s your oils for cycling. Do you use any other Young Living products on a regular basis?
(Chip) All day, every day. I’ve replaced a lot of other products with these healthier ones. I use their toothpaste, men’s Shutran shower line, Agilease, OmegaGize3, Prostate Health, and Ningxia Red, and Peppermint whenever I get a headache. I’m sure there’s more.

Well, friends, there you have it. My husband is now an official member of the “get rid of toxins” club. We’ve learned quite a bit on our wellness journey and if what we’ve learned can help you then it’s a win-win! Remember, not all oils are created equally which is why we only use Young Living.
Here’s to your health!