Advice for the Burden Carriers

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. -Galatians 6:2
Hey you,
Fellow burden carrier… Are you weary because of the burdens you carry for other people? Are you a tender-hearted, compassionate soul who hurts when others hurt? Me too. And I’ve learned that’s not a bad thing… until it weighs you down and wearies your soul.

Here’s the issue and the place where my tender-hearted friends become weighed down: We should pray, we should listen, we can meet physical needs, but then what? Nowhere are we instructed to become overly emotionally involved in the problems of others or to be advice central and an unlicensed therapist. And, it’s best that we don’t get so involved that we become a part of the situation. Matter of fact, Galatians 6:1 warns us to be careful so that we, too, are not sucked into the circumstances of others.
Hmmm… So, let’s back up. Galatians 6:2 speaks to fulfilling the law of Christ. What is that? James 2:8 says it is to love your neighbor as yourself. Romans 13:8 says it is to love one another.
With this in mind, here are my three pieces of advice for tender-hearted friends…
Love One Another
By carrying each other’s burdens, we are showing love to others. We are there to pray and be available to those who need a shoulder. A listener. A sounding board. Then, ultimately, those burdens should be brought to the feet of Jesus and not take up residence on our own doorstep. 1 Peter 5:7 says we should cast all our cares on Him because He cares for us. Jesus is the ultimate burden bearer. When we are burdened, we go to Jesus. (Matthew 11:28)
Meet Physical Needs
Just as we are called to love and pray for others, we are also called to meet physical needs. Romans 12:13 tells us to share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Matthew 25 lists ways to meet physical needs: food, clothes, thirst, companionship. If you are capable of helping on a physical level, then help. But again, I believe you can offer assistance without being drawn into the tumult.
Cast Your Cares on Jesus
God does not intend for us to become so burdened by the burdens of others that we ourselves become weary or susceptible to sin. Love people, pray for them, listen to them, meet the immediate needs you can, but then stop. As amazing as you probably are, you can’t fix everything and you aren’t even supposed to! Cast those cares on the Lord before you also fall victim to the burden.
My burden carrying friends, it’s okay to be a friend and a burden carrying deflector! Love on others, but I prefer to think of it as a childhood game of hot potato… listen, pray, help, then toss it off to Jesus! Pass on the burden, and carry it properly, so you don’t get broken yourself.
In love,