Cork Earrings for Fun!

Dear Girls Who Love a Bargain,
Me? I love a bargain. In normal everyday life, that is. I don’t need a bargain on a Porsche (although the hubs would have a different view of that). Anyway, I found a bargain and I want to share it with you!

When you can’t buy a new wardrobe for every season, accessories are a fun and easy way to change it up and stay current. I enjoy finding earrings that are fun to wear but won’t break the bank. My latest find is these cork teardrop earrings that I found on Amazon – and for less than ten bucks!
They have silver hooks, and the cork will pretty much go with anything. It’s a neutral color and environmentally friendly too! I love the tan color – it moves from summer straight into fall. I wondered if the cork would tear where the hook is attached but it hasn’t been a problem (I’m not one to pull on my earrings though). They are also super lightweight. So light, in fact, that I recommend you wear the little clear stopper backs so you don’t lose an earring. If one fell out you would never even know. Like a feather floating away…

I also discovered that the cork earrings are an awesome essential oil diffuser! I put a drop of oil on the back of each earring and I could smell the amazingness for hours. I’d stay away from blue or dark oils though so you don’t stain your new dangles!

Since I’ve gotten these cuties I’ve worn them several times. They are just light, fun, and carefree! Grab yourself a pair too. What have you got to lose? Ten bucks? Just skip two lattes and get earrings instead!
Have fun,