There’s Still Good – Go Look

Dear Members of the Human Race,
There have been some folks “acting ugly” lately. Just look around and you’ll see it – people filled with hate, criticism, greed, negativity, and just plain old meanness. If I catch my kids behaving like what I’ve seen out of some Americans lately I’m going after them with a wooden spoon. It worked when they were two and I bet it’ll work again. Go ahead – report me – someone might need to get a spoon after you too.
I’m going to lose some friends over this post but maybe that just means we weren’t really friends to begin with. At what point did it become acceptable to treat other humans so nastily? And to be praised for it?! That’s a load of hoo-hoo and it needs to stop right now.
It’s time to stop the nonsense.
I am a law enforcement family and proud of it. Guess what fellow human – not all officers are bad! Yes, there are a few bad apples and you know what? There are a few bad apples in your group of peers too, I guarantee it. Since the bad apples are the minority, it’s time for the good majority to stand up and put a foot down.

I honest to goodness don’t really care what side of any current fence you are on. Civilized folks can have conversations, listen to each other, have concern and care for each other, and work together. Period. We will never be the same – that’s not the point. God made us all different on purpose because there is beauty in that. We all have different backgrounds, outlooks, and expectations. Some of those things have been taught to us and ingrained in us through our community, culture, family, and those we surround ourselves with. It is up to each individual to nurture integrity and a sense of moral decency.
This year I have had more gut-churning fear for my husband as he goes to work than ever before in our 30 years of marriage. He is my LEO and my love. I want him to come home in one piece after work each day. What I DIDN’T want for him this year was to have to protect protestors and rioters who wished him ill…or worse. What hypocrisy is that? To have to protect the right of freedom of expression for those who chant to defund. Thank you, to those who understand that change can occur through peaceful gatherings that are followed by conversation, listening, and learning.
It is up to each of us individually to use each day growing in integrity, decency, and responsibility.
Gratefully the nonsense, at least in my part of the country, has calmed some and I see the good majority stepping forward. We are intelligent beings capable of making wise decisions on our own without being controlled by the media, government, or fear tactics. Here’s a tip – not everything you see on social media, television, or read online is true. In fact, most of it probably isn’t. What about us – you and me? What are you posting, sharing, and spreading? Be careful, because we can easily become part of the problem perpetuating hate and falsehoods, rather than extinguishing them.

Here’s the truth. There’s still good out there and I’m seeing more of it every day. It feels like most of us are tired of the fighting – it’s pointless anyway. We have more in common than you’d like to think. Now, when my husband comes home from work (Thank you, Lord, for his safety), he has more stories of good than hate or fear. People helping people. People obeying the laws meant to protect and keep us safe. People stopping to tell him they appreciate what he does. People who go out of their way to stop him, tell him “we’re not all like that”, and pray with him. Yes, pray with him right there at a gas station or on the side of the road.
Change your newsfeed.
Those are my people, members of the HUMAN race. Humans with heart, concern, logic, intellect, and the ability to reason. THOSE are the people who need to fill our social media, televisions, news feeds, and media outlets. All those outlets I just mentioned are in business folks, and they provide exactly what we search for. So search for good and let it fill your news feed, your mind, your home, your workplace, your fun space, and your LIFE. So many people, the younger especially (no offense intended but it’s true) lack life experience and wisdom. Don’t regurgitate what you see or hear. Go take a walk with someone in an older generation. Read, study, listen and learn in an effort to look back historically and forward for the benefit of the country as a whole. I truly believe that good is our majority but we just slipped away and let the bad minority have too much of our attention. So put a stop to it.
And if you see another human who needs to be lifted up, speak to them – kindly. And if you see a law enforcement officer, stop and pray with them. God can take those earnest prayers from our human race and help us. The Lord knows we need His help.
I’ll try kindness first,