Is It God Talking To You?

Dear Christian Learning to Trust,
How does God talk to you? Seriously! Not your “church” answer, but really, in your own daily life, how does God talk to you? Is it gentle nudges or neon signs?
I’m a plain talker. I don’t use big words and I’m not an impressive person. I’m simple, going through life putting one foot in front of the other. Normally my thoughts are straight forward and my views are too. Don’t ask me what I think if you don’t want to hear it. (God is working on that one with me). God created me as a plain talker and I’m grateful that He will talk with me in the same way.

Some people have a “King James” God. He speaks in thee’s and thou’s and parables about goats. Just like a human parent, God my Father speaks to me in a way I can understand – plain talking. God says, “Carol, What’s your problem? Have you lost the mind I gave you? Get up, girl. Move on.” Yep, plain talking.
God Is In The Music
Sometimes I’ll read a verse and it pops off the page and I hear, “Read it again and pay attention.” Or I’ll hear a whisper in my spirit saying, “You’re okay, I’ve got you.” Many times though, it’s in music that I hear Him.
We all know that our country and daily lives are pretty much in turmoil. That we can agree on and it hurts my heart that it is even an issue up for discussion. This morning as I was getting ready for work (because regardless of who is in the White House we all need to work and pay our bills, right?) I spoke to my ever spying internet contraption for some music. I said, “Alexandra, (changed the name) play me some Christian music.” Then to follow that up I said out loud to my empty room, “God, play exactly what I need to hear today because my mind is messy and the world scares me.” See? Plain talking.
And God spoke. He chose the songs and gave me exactly what I needed to hear in that precise moment.
The first song was “There was Jesus” by Zach Williams and Dolly Parton.
…I couldn’t see it then but I can see it now
There was JesusIn the waiting, in the searching
In the healing, in the hurting
Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
Every minute, every moment
Where I’ve been or where I’m going
Even when I didn’t know it
Or couldn’t see it
There was Jesus…
And right after that? “Haven’t Seen it Yet” by Danny Gokey.
It’s like the brightest sunrise
Waiting on the other side of the darkest night
Don’t ever lose hope, hold on and believe
Maybe you just haven’t seen it, just haven’t seen it yet……Hallelujah for the victory
Good things are coming even when we can’t see
We can’t see it yet, but we believe…
So here’s the deal. Right when I needed to hear it God reminded me, “Hey Carol. It’s okay so quit fretting about it.” And who am I to question God?
Do you know what I plan on doing? I will take my plain talking self and thank my God that He speaks to me in a way I can clearly hear and understand. He promised to never leave me nor forsake me. He’s here and He’s talking to us – each in our own way – if we’ll just listen.
Praying for our Nation,