Gatekeeper of the Home

YOU are the gatekeeper of your home.
That’s empowering. It’s also a huge responsibility. Now more than ever. You can’t believe everything you read on your phone, folks.
What does it even mean? In the Bible, gatekeepers were stationed as guards at various kinds of gates. They had to be trustworthy and alert. If they shirked the responsibility it could result in ruin. You, my friend, are the gatekeeper of your home.
You have choices in what you allow in your home. People, music, movies, social media, news, TV, even emotions. The stress from the day at work can be left at the door to maintain peace in your home, your refuge. As a wife, it means something else to me as well. I serve my family by caring for the house, cleaning, and taking care of laundry and all those other things.
In the past several years I have learned so much that I wish I knew as a young wife and mother. The complexities of managing a home and caring for a family. Sometimes we can think we are doing what’s best, when in fact, it may not be good at all.
I grew up in the era of bleach. Clean it with bleach if you want to make sure it’s REALLY clean. I’ve used cleaners so strong that I had coughing fits and needed to go outside for fresh air. It’s what was expected if I wanted to take care of my family. From there it was antibacterial wipes. Wipe every surface. Wipe your child’s toys. I was so wrong. Now we know that exposure to cleaning agents damages your health. I inadvertently released toxins in the air and applied them directly to objects that my children put in their mouths. Especially now we hear “clean your surfaces” and “use hand sanitizer” when those very things we think keep us healthy are in fact making us unwell.

Several years ago I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils and changes began taking place in my life, my health, and my home. At first, I thought essential oils were just a marketing gimmick but I quickly realized they are real, potent, and have the ability to heal and give my family a better quality of life naturally. Using them, we’ve changed our thinking and our health.
Thankfully, I’ve learned the better way. I’ve learned about toxins in cleaners we thought we could trust. In household cleaners, neither the ingredients nor the products must meet any type of safety standards. We are exposed to toxins in cleaning products regularly and routinely. Over time, this exposure causes bioaccumulation in your body and results in illness and disease. Do we need MORE illness in our lives right now?!
There is so much research and knowledge about toxins in our homes now that it baffles me when people don’t understand and respond. When I discuss it, I am sometimes answered with “Well that’s the way I’ve always done it” or ” Gotta die of something” or my favorite “Hasn’t killed me yet”. Maybe not, but could you be healthier and possibly live longer? Could you strengthen your immune system just in the way you clean house? My goal is to keep my family as strong and as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
A sampling of scary ingredients.
Phthalates – Fragrance. If you see the word fragrance on a label, chances are it originates from phthalates because companies aren’t required to reveal what is in their fragrance or where it comes from. Phthalates are endocrines disruptors. You are exposed through inhalation or absorption through the skin. This is true even when the label says natural fragrance. It comes from somewhere! Toxic.
Triclosan – Found in traditional items labeled “antibacterial”. It promotes the growth of drug-resistant bacteria and destroys the good bacteria that our body needs. It may also be a carcinogen. Toxic.
2-Butoxyethanol – A solvent. And manufacturers aren’t even required to list it on their label at all. Through inhalation, it can cause pulmonary edema, liver damage, and kidney damage. Toxic.
These are only three in a long line. You can read more at the Environmental Working Group.
You are the Gatekeeper of your home. Your job is to protect it and your family and you can do this by making wiser choices. Choices that weren’t even available to me as a young wife and mother making me wish I could go back in time and do it better.
Young Living Essential Oils has a Thieves line of home care products. You can replace your current toxic cleaners with something completely toxin-free, plant-based, and infused with essential oils. Not only are you cleaning, but making your family healthier. We call it the ditch and switch. Even your children can help around the house and you won’t be worried about what they are being exposed to.

The Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate is versatile and can replace most of your current products. Clean bathrooms, kitchens, mirrors, even granite. Thieves Laundry detergent replaces the toxins you walk around with on your clothes each day. Thieves Dish Soap and Thieves Dishwasher detergent for your kitchen. Please don’t put toxins on the dishes you are going to feed your family on. Ditch the toxins in your home and switch to something better for you and your family. You are the gatekeeper of your home.
If you need more information PLEASE ask me. We need to learn from each other. Start your Young Living Lifestyle.
Be wise,

You have the responsibility and the authority to do this… you are the gatekeeper of your home.